
Maria Brows LA

Logo of Maria Brows LA

Maria Brows

Microblading Artist based in Los Angeles and Japan

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What is Microbrading?

PMU/Microblading is a cosmetic technique that places a semi-permanent pigment into shallow layers of the skin which gives the resemblance of make-up.

This technique is used to make fuller looking eyebrows or to mimic lipstick. Depending on your skin condition and care the treatment can last up to three years.

If you have any chronic diseases or allergies, please contact me before making the appointment to conduct a patch test.


Meet the Artist

Medical Artmake Artist

I have had many microblading clients from different countries and ethnicities.

This has allowed me to become and expert at finding the perfect design for any individual.


Microblading $400 + tax
Microblading + Shading $450 + tax
Lip Blush (2 times) $500 + tax
Lip Blush (1 time) $300 + tax
Retouch within half year $100 + tax
Retouch within 1 year $150 + tax
Retouch within 1.5 years $200 + tax
Retouch within 2 years $250 + tax
Other store retouch (Previous Customers Only) $300 + tax
Patch Test $20 + tax


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If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me!
